Our Vision
A society where women and children live free from violence.
Our Mission
Emma House Domestic Violence Services is a courageous feminist, client-lead organisation that aims to reduce the impact of domestic and family violence on individuals, women and children and our community.
Our Values
Compassion: We will adopt a compassionate and empathetic approach to leadership that welcomes different perspectives, values collaboration and promotes empowerment and safety.
Courage: We will do what needs to be done to build thriving culture, to operate differently by sharing power and promoting equality.
Growth: We adopt a growth mindset, valuing learning and perseverance. We present feedback that inspires future success and recognise the potential for growth.
Integrity: We will do what we say we will do by building strong organisational clarity, transparency and accountability to our people, women and children and the community
How does this shape our work
- We believe in gender equality.
- We include women and children’s voices in everything we do.
- We support our workforce to be the best they can be.
- We deliver a contemporary best practice model of specialist family violence services to women and children, focusing on critical safety responses.
- We are a shining example of an effective and accountable feminist organisation.
- We hold perpetrators of violence accountable for their actions.
- We prioritise protection of women, provision of services and prevention of further violence
- We support and encourage the community to understand and address family violence, emphasising zero tolerance.
Emma House supports:
- Women and children affected by family violence from partner, parent, or other family member
- Woman and children of all ages, backgrounds and spiritual or religious beliefs
- Women with a disability
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children
- Culturally and linguistically diverse women and children
- Women who chose to remain with their partner who is using violence and women who have left or wish to leave
- Women of all sexual orientations as well as transgender women and intersex women
- Women and children who are currently being affected by family violence and who have been affected by it in the past
Emma House actively values and promotes diversity in our community and affirms our commitment to always be inclusive and respectful to all, regardless of gender, age, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, level of ability, cultural or language background.
Emma House complies with the Child Safe Standards and is committed to:
- Providing a safe environment for all children which promotes their health, safety and wellbeing;
- Promoting an organisational culture of child safety in which children feel valued, respected and cared for;
- Identifying, reducing and removing the risks of child abuse;
- Intervening when a child may be at risk of abuse
- Making staff aware of their legal and moral obligations in reporting child abuse